Becoming LIke JESUS in Community

That's what we're all about at Adirondack Community Church. Everyday we're striving to love God and those around us better. We're also trying to learn more about God, as well as each other. And though we're not perfect - we are slowly succeeding at these goals and as a result - we're growing! Growing as individuals and growing as a church. So no matter where you find yourself on your own faith journey, we invite you to be a part of what is going on at Adirondack Community Church.

SUnday services

9 a.m. Traditional Service - In Person

11:00 a.m. Contemporary Service - In Person and Live on Facebook and YouTube

11:00 service includes Arise and Shine Children's Ministry

Join us on Sundays.

We're located just across the street from the Village Post Office on Main Street in Lake Placid. 

Parking is free in the municipal lot across the street until noon.

Traditional Service at 9:00 am (in person)

Contemporary Family Service at 11:00 am (in person, Facebook Live, and YouTube)

Welcome. We're Glad You're here.

Hello! My name is Derek Hansen and I am the pastor at Adirondack Community Church! My wife, Becky, and I have three children - Liam, Sam, and Hollis. If you’re new to the area and maybe a little nervous about coming to church, don’t worry - we’re still pretty new too! But we're already finding ACC to be a great place to worship, fellowship with awesome people, and grow in a life-changing and shaping relationship with Jesus Christ!

We hope to see you soon!

Pastor Derek Hansen (Becky, Liam, Sam and Hollis)


We all need prayer - lots of it! So if there's anything you'd like prayer for, just click on the link below to send a message to our prayer team and we'll begin praying for you about whatever it is you're facing.

ACC Prayer Request Form